Unable to upgrade 2.7.0 Community to pfsense plus Dev
Yeah, that is not (currently) a supported upgrade path.
It should be possible to upgrade from 2.6 to 23.01 directly after release. That is something I'm testing now.
Thanks, for me that may not be possible as I would need to use the netgraph script for 2.6 and would loose internet upon the reboot in trying to upgrade to 23.01.
In my production environment I will need to do a clean install of 2.7 then upgrade to plus. But I will need to wait for 23.01 stable. -
Upgrades from 2.7 would likely require some additional work to be sure everything is re-installed correctly. Upgrades from 2.6 to 23.01 will be enabled first.
Is it possible to create an early shellcmd to switch interfaces at reboot? Would a shellcmd kickoff during an upgrade? Would you know the syntax of such a command? Thanks
It might be. I forget the exact details of the issue you're trying to overcome here.
You need to run pfatt in 2.6 to connect but can't run it in 23.01?Steve
You are correct. Last I tested the upgrade breaks the script.
Plus in 23.01 i wouldnt need to run the script just gotta find a way to change wan interface from netgraph to native WAN on reboot
@michaellacroix Just put a switch between ONT and pfSense.
That would be a great solution but i only have a couple of unmanaged switches at hand and either of those did not work when tried
@michaellacroix Did Frontier give you an Arris router or Eero when they installed it?
You can use either of those.
You just need it to upgrade, correct? -
pfatt does more than just accepting VLAN0. So if that is actually AT&T you will still need the script in 23.01. In fact a switch stripping the tags would breaks traffic to AT&T.
Edit: Though this might be the other script re-reading?
I don't have any of Frontier's equipment. For Frontier you just need to strip the vlan tag.
You have an actual AT&T connection? You are using pfatt?
I dont use AT&T, I use Frontier fiber.
I found an old 3com switch this morning at work. I'm gonna see if I can use that to strip the vlan tagging.
Ah, well in 23.01 that should just work then. No script required.
Only the known e1000 issue may trip you up, if you have e1000 NICs. But you should be able to get past that by disabling vlanhwfilter. If you add that as a shellcmd it would survive the update.
+1 this upgrade path would be great.
Don't new installs of 2.7.x/23.01 do ZFS a little differently compared to upgraded installs?
I like the idea of a clean install on the latest branch so 2.7 > 23.01 would be great considering there is no option to fresh install 23.01 on generic hardware.
It would certainly be nice to have and we will be looking into it but upgrades from 2.6 will take priority.
I would need this as on current 2.7 not sure if started from scratch 2.6-23.01 if i could then apply config from 2.7 ??
This is what I was hoping to do to. I worked on editing by backup config file so I can restore it on a fresh 23.01 switching my wan interface from using the netgraph script