Disconnections to pfsense from OpenVPN
Re: Disconnections to pfsense from OpenVPN
Hello team!!!!
Sorry to open a new topic from the same issue, the previous topic is too old and I could not continue with this until now.
Now I have exactly the same issue in another PFsense.
The "Inactive" option under "Ping settings" (In the OpenVPN settings) is set to 0
Ping Method is set to keepalive, interval is 10 and Timeout is 60
Also time setting on pfsense is correct, and this happens in any client.The issue only happens with the pfsense web portal, the ping stop answering when I change the section after few seconds of inactivity
If I change sections all the time, I dont lost any packet.
Most times it lost 14 packets in a row and after these 14 packet lost, it works.Any Idea?
Damián -
It is 2.6.0-RELEASE (amd64)