23.01 pfBlockerNG-devel error
Upgrade 22.05 -> 23.01 on a SG-5100
Running pfBlockerNG-devel 3.2.0_1Widget reporting error in DNSBL.
|ERROR| [pfBlockerNG]: Failed to load python module 'maxminddb': No module named 'maxminddb'
|ERROR| [pfBlockerNG]: Failed to load python module 'sqlite3': No module named '_sqlite3'Tried reboot.
Tried pfBlocker reload dnsbl.From system.log:
py311-maxminddb-2.2.0_2 installed
py311-sqlite3-3.11.1_8 installed
pfSense-pkg-pfBlockerNG-devel upgraded: 3.1.0_11 -> 3.2.0_1Would like to know how to fix this error.
@jonh said in 23.01 pfBlockerNG-devel error:
Failed to load python module 'sqlite3': No module named '_sqlite3'
Check out this 'list' :
Failed to load python module 'sqlite3': No module named '_sqlite3'
@gertjan Thanks, it appears to be a common problem. I did not have this error with 22.05 (or didn't notice it if I did) whereas other reports were from earlier versions of pfSense.
@jonh Read through https://forum.netgate.com/topic/177212/pfblockerng-devel-v3-1-0_19-10/45 as it seems it was supposed to be fixed but others have reported it on the RC.
They are supposed to be the same now but you might try uninstalling pfBlockerNG-devel and installing pfBlockerNG.
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
For future readers: This is what I did, I do not know if every step was necessary.I am using pfBlockerNG-devel 3.2.0_1
In pfB logs page, I deleted py_error.log and the error.log
I then deleted the pfB widget from the dashboard and saved new dashboard.
Did a force update of pfB dnsbl.
Then reinstalled the pfB widget and it is ok so far.