pfblockerng.log and de-duplication ?
in the log file for the last day or so I'm seeing a few, combination of individual IP addresses and ranges /24 /22 in the log between these lines.
not really clear what or why they are listed here. Are these duplicates or does their presence here mean something else?Database Sanity check [ PASSED ]
Masterfile/Deny folder uniq check
Deny folder/Masterfile uniq check
(IP Addresses are listed in this space)Sync check (Pass=No IPs reported)
I've confirmed that are in fact duplicate IP addresses or blocks that have started to appear in multiple lists (both in original and deny directories.)
for example
grep -i /var/db/pfblockerng/original/*/var/db/pfblockerng/original/ET_Block_v4.orig:
/var/db/pfblockerng/original/Spamhaus_Drop_v4.orig: ; SBL493675grep -i /var/db/pfblockerng/deny/*
/var/db/pfblockerng/deny/Spamhaus_Drop_v4.txt: good - that's what I wanted to know. Must be new logging in the latest update. I've not seen the duplicates listed before. (or maybe the duplicates just started appearing)
A line specifically saying that in the log might be helpful.
@jrey I think that’s the “uniq[ue] check.”
Note if using Alias Deny pfB will dedupe across the deny lists, even if used for different rules. Might be what you’re seeing given the label. Alias Native does not.