Floating Rule from pfBlocker NG blocks Pass rule
My credit card clearing company appears to be sending reports from a country that I have blocked using pfBlockerNG (however I don't know which one). I have created an alias list of all their IP addresses then set it to Pass in the rules. However if pfBlockerNG is running, the email reports are still blocked. I'm guessing the floating rules from pfBlockerNG are killing it before it ever reaches the pass rule.
I've tried putting the pass rule at the top of the list but when pfBlockerNG does an update I think it moves all of it's rules to the top. Again, I'm guessing. I have about half of the countries listed in Top Spammers blocked. Our company doesn't do any international business and I'm not aware of any issues from this blocking except the credit card reports.
How can I get the alias with the credit card IPs to take the highest priority and pass them?