VPN IP list
I have used pfBlockerNG-dev to block access to my server from VPN sites (doing so blocks about half of the scanners).
The feed in pfBlockerNG -devel
- Web site Ejrv VPN appears to have a new owner
- Feeds Ejrv_VPNv4 and Ejrv_VPNv6 are no longer valid
Is anyone aware of a replacement feed or if this feed needs to be removed from pfBlockerNG-dev
Looks like the new site owner is not that keen on re-establishing the feeds for VPN IP addresses. Which is a pity as it the old list still blocks over 50% of the internet scanners for me.
Does anyone know if it is possible to save the version of Ejrv_VPNv4 which my copy of pfBlockerNG -devel is currently using so I can reload it from my local copy if required?
I believe if you go to your logs you can see the list there, like this.
@katinatez Thanks. That worked well.
I now have a text file with all the IP addresses in it "Ejrv_VPNv4_v4.orig" which I renamed "Ejrv_VPNv4_v4.txt". I assume not I should be able to reload this in topfBlocker if required. Ejrv_VPNv4_v4.txt