Is WireGuard really that unreliable?
I don't get it. I install WireGuard on two servers. Connected fine. Everything worked. Gateways and interfaces up.
After a few reboots, WireGuard refuses to connect. No logs? So can't troubleshoot it. Nothing changed. WireGuard always makes backups on it's own in pfsense, so you can't go back to an old configuration (Not that I even logged into pfsense and made changes anyways)
How can people rely on this? Am I missing something?
Update: After rebooting other side, it finally connected. But WHY? WHAT CAUSES IT TO JUST QUIT CONNECTING in the first place?
This happens after rebooting Site A multiple times. WireGuard quits connecting. So, I rebooted Site B to get it to just "Suddenly" start working again. I tried stopping and restarting WrieGuard before rebooting and nothing works. What does WireGuard do when rebooting?
@meluvalli no, it’s not normal. Sounds like a config error but without details of your setup is impossible to say why.
@q54e3w If it's a config error, why would it have connected for a couple days without ANY issues? That's scary in itself then!