Did the forum software change/updated? Themes/Skins in particular?
WoW... Thanks for this thread!!
I almost refrained from logging in. It looks kinda the same, but not quite. :)
@stephenw10 said in Did the forum software change/updated? Themes/Skins in particular?:
for me in the update in a few signifcant ways.
is this something that can be looked at on the netgate side? Does the search items for date and poster work in other skins - I hadn't checked on that.. I would think that would be like common across all skins?
@johnpoz I'd expect the skin to not affect a feature but
. More likely an on/off choice for it? Or, https://docs.nodebb.org has almost nothing on it except mentioning search plugins exist so maybe an updated plugin is needed.
I don't think I've ever used that. Where do you expect it to appear?
@stephenw10 said in Did the forum software change/updated? Themes/Skins in particular?:
I don't think I've ever used that. Where do you expect it to appear?
The search options? It was on the Search page. There was an Advanced Options banner IIRC, where one could expand it pick the account/author, newer than 2 weeks, date range, etc. Half a dozen options like that. Now it only shows the standard/not-advanced options on the left.
Useful if looking for a specific post or recent thread. A workaround for the author is to go to their profile page and look at their lists of posts but that requires knowing who posted it.
Oh, like just on https://forum.netgate.com/search ?
@stephenw10 said in Did the forum software change/updated? Themes/Skins in particular?:
Oh, like just on https://forum.netgate.com/search ?
Yes it was on this forum site. IIRC a grey banner across the search page, under the initial search fields, down a bit on the page. Said Advanced Search or something like that. Sorry for being vague, didn't know to document it. :)
archive.org for it shows the redirect to /login.
Let me see, I can't see any setting for that in the admin, might be some incompatible plugin....
@stephenw10 well that would suck if this versions search doesn't allow you set dates, like before you could say only show results from the last week or month.
And I could look for just my own posts, or just yours for example - not anybody that ever used a title or title and post text that said "nic driver" for example..
Yup, it would. Waiting to hear back from the server admins.
@johnpoz my thumbs up is bigger now also
I use Edge, maybe I will get more thumbs up
Advanced search options are restored. Not quite the same as before but should be functionally the same.
@stephenw10 Missing the click-to-newest message thing really bad now.
@stephenw10 yeah I don't really care how it looks as long as functions and read it.. Seems to have the stuff like poster and date - sweet.
It's smooth.
@stephenw10 Thanks. The "new message/thread" banner is still borked:
@SteveITS yeah I still seeing this problem @stephenw10 is someone looking into this?
I am using the cyborg theme now.. I have looked on multiple themes and seems to be across all of them that I have checked.
Hmm, what should appear there? I don't think I ever used that....
I see:
@stephenw10 it only shows up when there are new posts.. I don't recall the exact text, but it would say something like 3 new posts, or 2 new posts, etc.
It would pop up when new posts came in and you were on that page.
edit: adding to post to see if it pops up in another window
@johnpoz new post
edit: see when I created a new post it shows up, but it use to have text in it.. saying like new post or 3 new posts, etc.
That blank little square that shows up doesn't say what it is - even if was like a button that said click here to see new posts or something..