Darkstat pf 2.4/1.31.17
Sorry, I don't know where to put this or how exactly to handle it. I'll prefix this by saying I really love how 2.4 has become even better this month. Thanks to those on the Dev Team!
I updated from 1.26 (or 27).17 tonight to 1.31.17 and darkstat broke… I sent in the crash report, seemed right to do. I'm unsure where the pkgs get started as editing the darkstat.inc file then reinstalling it just crashed more. The issue is somehow the .inc from services-utils.inc on the includes line got removed. I did a symlink as a workaround and reinstalled it, works fine although its just a workaround. Also, the redirect in the gui should go to an http:// not https:// as it doesn't work either until you manually fix it. No biggie tho just annoying...
Thanks all!
We know already, and already fixed.
Yeah, the update just hit on my end after I posted.. :/
Thanks Dok
mods: feel free to purge this thread
No worries, another bump is coming soon. ::)
After reading everything you did there, and considering it's called 'darkstat', I'm surprised you didn't use the term 'dark age' instead of 'stone age'… ::)
on another note, it made me considering trying haproxy for a home setup... :o
Thanks for all the effort you throw at pfsense and everything else here 8)