7100 LAN ports (2-8) do not seem to be internally connected to the backplane
Hello, this is an older 7100 that I purchased from a friend recently. I do not think he ever used the unit.
On the console no problem with the system set back to factory default.
I cannot attach to any of the ports 2-8 (LAN)
I can attach to port 1(WAN) and was able to get into the web GUI.Any help would be much appreciated, however I am starting to think this unit has been physically damaged somehow.
I am running 23.05.1-RELEASE
The system keeps throwing this error:
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /etc/inc/util.inc, Line: 3525, Message: Uncaught TypeError: array_get_path(): Argument #1 ($arr) must be of type array, null given, called in /usr/local/www/switch_ports.php on line 304 and defined in /etc/inc/util.inc:3525
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/www/switch_ports.php(304): array_get_path(NULL, 'vlan_mode')
#1 {main}
thrown @ 2023-07-17 17:13:52 -
@CyberTend Looks like you hit a bug or have a partially installed driver.
If you're running ZFS I'd roll back to 23.05 or 23.01, if you're not go to https://go.netgate.com to open a ticket to get the 23.05.1 release image and reinstall.