Routing Internet Traffic Through A Site-To-Site Wireguard tunnel
Hi Guys!
I would like to create same topology like this topic: linkBut I want use wireguard for this.
The topology:
linkThe connection is works. The ping is works. The question, how can I force the traffic from through VIA the GW tunnel. The target, on the or show my vps provider IP not my ISP IP.
What I need to do for this?
I tried this:
- assign the wiregaurd interface, and allowed all traffic on this
- Create a gateway ( - and I created firewall rules, where all traffic on LAN interface will go to new gateway, and all other traffic will be blocked (this not works)
- create a gateway again, and use that for default gateway (not works)
- I created outbund NAT, where the interface is the wireguard interface and all traffic from will be translated to the wireguard tunnel (not works)
If I connect to the pfsense where have on my vps provider via my cell phone, than works fine. The web browsing, and the to any device where on the network.
Can any people what is wrong on my side? I think after the NAT settings this should be works...
A DNS resolver run both pfsense.Many thanks!
OK, we solved it here too...
I know this is an old question but, I'm answering it because it seems to be a popular question
@freenode said in Routing Internet Traffic Through A Site-To-Site Wireguard tunnel:
The connection is works. The ping is works. The question, how can I force the traffic from through VIA the GW tunnel.
You set your SITE's Default Gateway to your WG interface:
@JustAnotherUser said in Routing Internet Traffic Through A Site-To-Site Wireguard tunnel:
You set your SITE's Default Gateway to your WG interface
...WG interface on MAIN Router.
(to be unambiguous)