OpenVPN client Disconnecting
I've got an OpenVPN client that loses it's connection every few days. Nothing in the logs seem to stand out.
Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY WARNING: depth=0, unable to get certificate CRL: CN=vpn.vpnprovider.tld Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY WARNING: depth=1, unable to get certificate CRL: C=SE, ST=Stockholm, L=Stockholm, OU=XX, CN=vpnprovider.tld ca, emailAddress=info@vpnprovider.tld Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=SE, ST=Stockholm, L=Stockholm, OU=XX, CN=vpn.vpnprovider.tld ca, emailAddress=info@vpnprovider.tld Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY KU OK Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 Validating certificate extended key usage Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY EKU OK Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=vpn.vpnprovider.tld Aug 7 11:27:05 vpnprovider 48838 Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, peer certificate: 2048 bit RSA, signature: RSA-SHA256
But I see that periodically even when there's no issue.
Restarting it manually and the connection restores just fine.
Custom Options are:
persist-key; persist-tun; remote-cert-tls server; reneg-sec 0; disable-occ; resolv-retry infinite; auth-retry interact;
You're showing a small part of the reconnect phase, the point where certificates are tested for validity. These were ok, so the tunnel/control channel comes up.
The reason for the connection to drop (or re negotiate) was before that moment.
Look also in the main System for interface events, for example : an interface event can restart the OpenVPN client. -
About :30 before was the same message. Nothing note worthy.
Regardless, at 11:27 despite the above message it did not come back up. It was down until I manually stopped and started the service a few hours later.
Happened again about an hour ago. No errors or anything out of the ordinary in any logs.
It looks like it at least once or twice in the past 48hrs had a disconnect and reconnected perfectly fine. Just occasionally it connects but the tunnel doesn't resume taking traffic until manually restarting.