USD350 for Expansion of FreeRadius package GUI options in the pfSense, plus Guest Account Manager user priviledges to not be able to see / change admin accounts and few other minor things
Hello All,
I don't have a commercial use, at least not for now, and I have been playing with pfsense for home and saw few limitations. For benefit of others, who are unable to pay but need these features, (and I am hoping others will further contribute more monies in this bounty fund to make the distribution better), I will like to have either some add on package created that can manage the freeradius package installed on pfsense itself, so as to allow configuring bandwidth quotas (daily / weekly / monthly), up and down speeds, easy way to disconnect bar some users and to be able to add mac address based accounts. There is a low cost (as low as $63 radius manager version, I saw from a reseller of DMA Radius Manager, where I can do all this and more) but that requires installing it on a separate box.
Or the existing Freeradius GUI configuration options that appear after install of this package, be expanded to cover these important items.
Further, a limited office-manager / lobby-ambassador type of interface using WebGUI (same IP as pfsense, but at another non-standard TCP port), to allow creation of radius based Guest username / password, mac address based accounts in radius, as well as vouchers in the local database. This limited user account should not be able to see admin and other non-guest account and not be able to delete those.
The quotas and speed caps should be made part of a radius group that then the individual users be made part of to inherit the group settings. In the Freeradius GUI and in the Guest AccountManager WebGUI, one of the radius group should be selectable as default and should then pre-populate the user creation screen in a field that will have a pull down menu to select other groups if need be (like for mac address based account)
Also vouchers functionality needs to be slightly improved to allow editing a batch to then add some Guest Name against each voucher code as these codes are given out. For now, you can manually add this on the exported spreadsheet, but it will be nice to have this become part of the vouchers list available in the captive portal section and in the Simplified Guest accounts / vouchers creation interface.
The FreeRadius package : I'm using bandwidth quotas (daily / weekly / monthly) right now. Also upload and down speeds can be set at you want.
The rest : you are asking for some kind of front-end of the GUI ?
Thanks Gertjan for looking into this. Yes, I can use WISPr atributes to set quotas and speeds just fine, but I am looking for GUI frontend. The existing options in GUI when we install FreeRadius package, allow to create user accounts, but no provision to specify the group, the speeds and quotas and neither can I do mac address based accounts in the GUI. Also the user privileges today allow you to create and edit user accounts and that means, a limited account can escalate his own privileges or create new admins, which should not be the case. Plus few other things I will like as I specified. If we can achieve these, then I have few other things in mind (as I explore more of pfsense, I am first time user..) and I will then come up with another bounty for those items.
Thanks and very best.