Port Alias for Suricata variables
I generally make use of the suricata variables page for each interface to further customize the deployment
I have applications that run backend sql databases. I have installed the emerging-sql.rules ruleset. I noticed going through the list of enabled rules that its looking for $ORACLE_PORTS which wont do in my environment as the default port is not enabled.
I created a port alias for 1024:65535 to cover all the ranges a DB even if custom-built, could be listening on. I added the alias to the $ORACLE_PORTS value.
Is it safe to say this is the correct way of doing it and if a signature is matched on the rule with any port in that range it should produce an alert? -
For SHELLCODE_PORTS i see the default value is !80
Can i add that in for ORACLE_PORTS? So in the field add !1521
Curious as to how the negation works within the GUI or do i need to add a port alias. -
I doubt negation is what you want. That means every other port EXCEPT 1521 would be considered an Oracle Port. Negation literally means "not 1521, so it is an Oracle Port". Usually that broad of a range is not desired.
In your case, create a pfSense firewall alias containing the needed port or ports, and assign it to the ORACLE_PORTS variable on the VARS tab.