Mystic Pfblocker, blocks URL i didnt wanted
Hello There,
after a fresh installation of pfBlockerNG 3.2.0_6 i get an block on this link.
The logs doesnt show anything about the link. Even i created a whitelisting, the Video doesnt show up.
Even i stop the services, the URL wont show up.Do you have any Ideas?
I investigated many hours to find the problem, but iam on the end of my knowledge road.
Thank you very much
@sub2010 you get this error?
"API Error (403): Missing access token"
That is what I get trying to go to that link..
Ok maybe i cant show you the correct link, but on my application element this works without pfblockerng perfectly. If i install the applicatoin pfblockerng the link doesnt work. -
@sub2010 well what are you blocking in pfblocker - if you can not go to something via pfblocker - then unblock that something in pfblocker.
Keep in mind if you whitelist something, you also have to update pfblocker - or it would still be blocked. Maybe a full reload in pfblocker update section.
Can not really help you without knowing exactly what is not working - are you blocking based on some list, using dnsbl? I use pfblocker only for aliases that I use in my own rules..
What exactly are you doing in pfblocker? Your setup would be most helpful in someone helping you figure out what is wrong.
Pfblocker is a very flexible tool - there are all kinds of ways to use it.. Without some details of how exactly you are using it, and what exactly is not working - its really impossible for anyone to help you.
i only install pfblocker-ng without changing any configuration. And the weblink i show you, doesnt work.
Even after i deatctive the service the link dont work -
I´m happy i found the error .
When i configure the DNSBL SafeSearch, YouTube Restrictions the Video doesnt show up.
And even i disable it, i cant bring back the video. Only one Reinstallation can help me.
Do you have any Idea how i can use Restrictions with whitelistening?