OpenVPN server config changes on CE2.7
I noticed a different behavior of the OpenVPN Server configuration on CE 2.7. Every change (save) triggers a restart of the unbound DNS Resolver. This happens also if a change to a client specific override configuration is made. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case on 2.5.x where I upgraded from.
My Unbound service needs about 30 to 60 seconds to start and being able to serve queries due to a large pfblocker-ng DNS List. This causes some issues with IPsec Site-to-Site peers as well as dns based firewall aliases. Don't mentioning the outage for the users ;-)
I'm wondering if this restart on every change is necessary. If it isn't avoidable, it would be good, to stage the changes, like for other services (IPsec VPN, DNS Resolver, Firewall rules) and applied at once.
I know, this isn't any exciting topic. Could at least anyone confirm the restarts of unbound caused by OpenVPN Server Changes ?