site to site not working loc to loc
In the client specific override state a certain IP for the client in the "Tunnel network" box.
Also enter the client site's networks into the "Remote Networks" field in the same way as you did in the server settings and empty the Advanced options box. -
Yes, I tried adding networks, routes are added on two sites, but there is no access to the local network
from pf site B (client/ can ping pf site B (server/ and network clients but not from client network site (B)
from pf site A (server) cant ping pf site B (client/ and network clients
@mic-bummer is not a usable client IP, this is the network address. Enter something like instead.Also I suggested to remove the iroute commands and enter the networks into the "Remote Networks" field in the CSO as it's intended in the pfSense docs.
@viragomann where can I change the client's address? It automatically gets
changed the parameter, but no change
The "Remote Networks" box in the CSO is still empty. You have to enter all client site networks there, same as in the server settings.Then ensure that the client gets the correct virtual IP.
@viragomann yeap, client take same before..
in diag_routes correct routes are added
network clients also cannot access
@mic-bummer said in site to site not working loc to loc:
yeap, client take same before..
So this means, that the CSO is not applied.
Ensure that the common name in the clients certificate is equal to that you stated in the CSO.If this is correct set the servers log level to 4 and reestablish the connection and look in the log after for hints on this.
@viragomann openvpn status is connected, hope what no problem with ovpn authorization and routes, all traffic on the firewall is allowed, this is a new installation of pfssense
but clients a/b of network cant see other client network b/a ..
@viragomann hi, your solution work!