Really would like ngrep
This is a very simple one, is it possible to get this manually? It would only be run from a bash shell, doesnt need to be part of the gui at all.
tcpdump doesn't offer what you need?
Not that I can tell, I really need a "byline" that ngrep gives w/o any hex. Ngrep can give simply the textual line by line. This is great for any http/SIP based comms.
@oldschoolrouterjockey -A option?
OK thats a lot better there though there is a lot of crap to filter out. I was able to get most of the crap out by filtering for PSH+ACK like so: 'tcp[13] == 24'
Theres still some junk in there though and it'd be nice to have more LFs in there between packets but this is definitely way better, thanks!