Where is "IPV4 Remote Network(s)" Setting
I am trying to enable routing from my LAN ( through my OpenVPN Server (tunnel: 192.168.30/24) to the LAN on my openvpn client ( In the forums, folks point to "IPV4 Remote Network(s)" in the server config page, but I do not see that as an option. Has this been replaced or moved?
StevenpfSense+ Version 23.09-RELEASE
@swaldren If you want your devices to go out your "vpn server" connect to this remote clients network - that would be a peer to peer setup..
If your in remote access mode for your server, then no it wouldn't show "remote network"
@johnpoz Thank you. I just want to access servers running on the remote network and not route all my local traffic out to the VPN.
I will dig in a little more. Appreciate the reply.
Steven -
@swaldren where did I say it would route all traffic out your vpn??
You need to setup peer to peer if you want client on your network to be able to get to this other remote network that connect to your vpn server..
@johnpoz I never said you did. I was just mentioning since the setting was peer to peer. As I said, I need to read about peer to peer before I ask for more help.
I truly appreciate your help.
Steven -
@swaldren peer to peer doesn't route all traffic out the vpn.. It just allows each side to talk to the other sides network - if you allow it and setup the routing correctly..
Remote access is for road warrior connections - where you don't care to get to the remote network the clients on, just the client.. Via whatever IP you hand it out of your "tunnel" network.