Feature/fix request: New log handling in pfBlockerNG
@BBcan177 I'm a HUGE fan of your excellent pfBlockerNG package in pfSense [LOVE IT]
But there is one (actually kind of two) major issue that really halts the usecases of pfBlockerNG
The package does not play nice with any sort of central log management systems, and that makes it VERY hard to trace security related incidents where you need info on client behaviour.I would most humbly like to ask if you would consider making the below change soon:
FIX: Change the log rotation scheme for pfb logfiles so anything monitoring/tailing a logfile does not get all events replayed on pfb update/rotation.
NEW: Please add an independent syslogging option to each logfile so every new entry is also sent off system via Syslog - the format for the sent lines should the be syslog standard instead of CSV.I think the latter could be added in a very simple manner by just making the first FIX, and as part of that change the logfile format to syslog standard.
Then you could use the pfsense built-in syslog setup by just placing a pfb.conf file in /var/etc/syslog.d as all .conf files there are included by default.I know this is asking a lot, so please accept my apology for asking it so directly.
@keyser You can (also) put a feature request in at: https://redmine.pfsense.org/projects/pfsense-packages/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=2
@SteveITS Already did that by throwing My wheight Behind an existing ticket