Squid 6.5 !! Nov 6th
@jc1976 I have never used pfblocking as it is DNS based. I always thought this is more reaction based security with DoH and DNS TLS complications they have to update a block list when something is new. I stuck with Squidguard as it just looked at http/https get requests and could care less about the DNS it was using. Each has it's own issues, Squidguard when I marked a URL or something block you can never see it again regardless of what DNS is used. Side note Snort for me with custom AppID text rules could see my container bug I was searching for, and pinpoint the machine it was running on. I kept having applications accessed that were not even installed on one of my devices, I was like there is my bug. It was accessing German social media sites, Opera browser, Netflix without an account the list goes on and on, all from the same smartphone. Tools work good and they are taken away?? Makes no sense right? Sounds like someone in big tech likes lurking in the shadows to me and wants the tools that could put him in jail removed. I always thought the open source community wouldn't stand for it. I mean it works great, in addition to the "vulnerability" it's still way better than no security.
i tried squidguard way back in the day for popup blocking and all that stuff.. the only thing was a lotta stuff didn't come through that i needed. granted, i was a complete noob at the time and had no idea what i was doing so that probably had a lot to do with it..
i admit that i'm a novice.. pfblockerng was easier for me to setup and attain the desired results and it's what i stuck with ever since. i can't say i've ever had a problem with it and it's flexibility is pretty incredible, in my very humble opinion..
bbcan made one hell of a package. again, if you read through the chats, you'll find that a LOT of people stick to pfsense just for access to pfblockerng.i remember a while back, and i pulled it up recently, a query as to why he doesn't port it over to opnsense. the details of the reason escapes me at this time but it was something along the lines that the devs at opnsense didn't want a swiss-army knife-type package that pfblockerng is.. which i don't understand considering that opnsense has suricata and squid built into it to where you can't use snort if you wanted.. that seems pretty swiss-army knife-like to me.
would be cool if bbcan made his source code available to opnsense devs and allowed them to port it over.
Luiz, i just followed your instructions and all went through without a hitch!
again, thank you very much!
@jc1976 I think that side loaded Squid package has support for DoH as this version states it's included
@jc1976 I just use it for sites I don't want accessed.
Squid 6.6 available on:
Attention: only pfSense 2.7.2 amd64 !!!!
- I will create an experimental version for arm.
If anyone can test it later (I don't have hardware)
- I will create an experimental version for arm.
@lg1980 I have an SG2100 arm processor. It's on pfSense plus however...
That's amazing news!!!
how does one install this package?
when i installed it, i already had the squid package installed from the package manager and then ran your update script to bring it up to date because i don't know how to install the package outside of the package manager.
@lg1980 The only Arm builds for pfSense are pfSense Plus.
@JonathanLee said in Squid 6.5 !! Nov 6th:
@lg1980 I have an SG2100 arm processor. It's on pfSense plus however...
That's amazing news!!!
I made a new snippet and now you can update it through the package manager, just run the command below to show new packages:
I have separated and created parallel versions of squid and squidguard for now. They can be seen in the package manager, but they will conflict with the native packages (squid and squidguard), so you will have to uninstall the native packages to use these new ones.
The snippet with the source scripts is here: https://gitlab.labexposed.com/-/snippets/15
I hope this helps !
Really nice, glad that you guys found a solution =)
If this was useful to you or even if you want to encourage my continued work and even improve support options, please make a donation to the effort. This encourages greater dedication to this work. I leave the link available here for anyone who can/wants it! Thank you very much !
About ARM architecture (Pfsense Plus): Anyone who has some hardware available in the laboratory that can provide access, I can try to work on updates like this for the Plus version. If you have any questions, please contact DM.
Merry Christmas and happy new 2024 !
Thx -
@lg1980 I have not been able to test it, as I have an Arm with pfSense plus on 23.05.01. Please let me know if someone is able to test it on the 2100 appliance. I can test and work with it when I have more time to help you with my lab setup, I have to swap the M2 drive so I can go back to my known working version after. So I got to take apart the firewall the test this. I will do it no issues, I just can't down the thing while all the family is home for the holidays, they will have my head.
Next week I can test with Pfsense Plus in my lab set up for you.
It would be interesting to see what netgate have to say about this now,
it seems that alot of cve if not all have been patched in squid 6.4 and 6.5, IMHO it would be a shame to remove this package from the list now. any chance that netgate will retreat that statement and continue to support squid or is it the final decision? @stephenw10 ? -
@kiokoman I would too, if the update fixes all of the issues why not use it?
J JonathanLee referenced this topic on
@lg1980 What is the recommended donation for this update? Also I can start to test this Jan 8th or 9th when all the kids are back in school
@JonathanLee said in Squid 6.5 !! Nov 6th:
What is the recommended donation for this update? Also I can start to test this Jan 8th or 9th when all the kids are back in school
I have no economic interest in these updates and support from Squid, whatever I personally feel in relation to covering my hours/dedication to work financially.
Did you check this out Squid with all the updates !!!