Sqstat Issue
Is there actually any data to be displayed yet?
@stephenw10 Yes, users use proxy already and Lightsquid can display summary.
Oh, so what actually fails in your install?
@stephenw10 Sqstat should display current/online connections, but fails with above error.
Hmm, that works fine here but note it's using the actual proxy port:
@stephenw10 My proxy port was changed to 8080, in other system it didn't caused any troubles (with SQStat).
Hmm, works fine on port 8080 for me too.
It's throwing that error because the page isn't present. Do you have local caching disabled maybe?
@stephenw10 Local caching was disabled till now, but when I enabled it now, nothing changed. Squid+Lightsquid service restarted...
Edit: maybe its some bug in 2.7.2, I have other running systems, 2 almost exact, one with 2.7.0 - there is SQStat functional, second with 2.7.2 and here I noticed same 404 problem. I think SQStat was functional in second. Your system is what version ?
That system is running 23.09.1. It's almost identical to 2.7.2 for Squid/Lightsquid.
@stephenw10 To do some debug, I compared packages in first system (with 2.7.0) against second system (with 2.7.2) and they are same. Even system files in usr/local/www/sqstat/ are identical.
BTW, are you able move this topic into correct Cache/Proxy category ?
S stephenw10 moved this topic from General pfSense Questions on
Alguém encontrou solução para este problema?