Talos_BL_v4 failed downloads
I am getting messages on my dashboard [ pfB_PRI1_v4 - Talos_BL_v4 ] Download FAIL. Searching this forum, I see others have had this issue but I couldn't find any resolution. Any ideas what is causing this? If I manually load the URL of the feed, it comes up fine.
@pulsartiger When I added Talos a long time ago I remember having issues accessing talosintelligence.com over a VPN, which was my default. I solved that by a firewall rule directing traffic for that domain outside the VPN.
@pulsartiger I kept getting that same error every day until I changed the CRON Settings for pfBlockerNG to Every Hour, 15, 0, 0:
@rtorres said in Talos_BL_v4 failed downloads:
@pulsartiger I kept getting that same error every day until I changed the CRON Settings for pfBlockerNG to Every Hour, 15, 0, 0:
Thanks for the tip. I changed my setting to 15 and I have had any Failed downloads since. Any ideas why this fixes the issue? Seems like its just changing the interval from the top of the hour to 15 minutes after.
@pulsartiger From what I was reading, they mentioned about another job running at the same time the pfBlockerNG CRON is running. Changing the time allows the other job to complete for this one to run without issues.
But now I'm having an issue with pfB_PRI1_v4 - ISC_Block_v4
Per the error message, there is an SSL error that times out.. but I can access just fine via the browser. I'll open another thread if I can't figure it out!