OpenVPN Client and Multi-WAN
I connect to my VPN provider over OpenVPN. I have 2 ISP connections coming into pfSense. Default is ISP-1. I want to use ISP-2 only for OpenVPN. I tried selecting interface of ISP-2 only but when I disconnect ISP-2, OpenVPN switches to using ISP-1. Secondly, I created a gateway group with ISP-2 as Tier-1 and ISP-1 as Never but still see the same habit, OpenVPN switches to ISP-1 when ISP-2 goes down.
Also, openVPN doesn't switch back when ISP-2 is back up. On OpenVPN connection status it shows local addess as "pending".
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You can block the OpenVPN clients outbound traffic on WAN1 with a floating rule with these settings:
interface: WAN1
source: This firewall
destination: OpenVPN server
dest. port: whatever you use. -
Thanks, that seem to solve the issue but feels like a workaround.