Possible bug in setup of openvpn server
Hi, I have discovered what I think is a bug in the webinterface for setting up a openvpn server on both 2.3.4 and the 2.4 developer snapshots.
When you set up a vpn server you have the option of wither selecting a list of local networks to route over the vpn tunnell or to force all traffic over the vpn.
When selecting force all traffic it hides the 2 fields for ipv4 and ipv6 local networks. However anything in those fields is still transmitted to the client.
I spent 2 weeks troubleshooting why the routes to my local network was deleted when disconnecting from my vpn server while connected to my home lan.
I then discovered by accident that if i unticked the checkbox "Force all client generated traffic through the tunnel." my local network was listed in the "IPv4 Local network(s)" entry field. Removing my local netowork there and then ticking the force all traffic through vpn checkbox resolved the problem.
I think that when you select the checkbox for "Force all client generated traffic through the tunnel." the content of the 2 now hidden local network entry field should be ignored and not sent to the client.