ACME certs on Virtual IPs?
Didn't find something in the Search here... forgive asking an FAQ:
I have a pfSense with some Virtual IPs (Type "IP Alias") assigned to WAN.
So far all the Certs issued were for FQDNs pointing to the original/first IP of the WAN interface.
Now there should be services hosted on a Virtual IP. So far the http-challenge fails, even when I add another FW-rule with destination "$virtual_ip_1" and Port 80 to WAN.
Does the ACME http-server listen on all the virtual IPs as well?
hints appreciated! thanks
@sgw said in ACME certs on Virtual IPs?:
"ACME" uses Letsencrypt, or comparable services, and these do not accept IP addresses. Only host names - domains names.
If the FQDN points to an A or AAAA or nothing, or something else, doesn't matter.
The question is:
how to let the ACME-package run the http-challenge on the Virtual IPs?
But I worked around this already (customer wanted traefik for the additional services).