Error while saving OpenVPN Routes
I have a use case where I have 19 push routes into an OpenVPN configuration, when I save the configuration everything works without a problem, but If I reset the OpenVPN service, pfsense stores the routes all in the same line and OpenVPN is not able to start and throws the next error:
Options error: In /var/etc/openvpn/server1/config.ovpn:41: Maximum option line length (256) exceeded, line starts with push "route 10.....
Config OK:
Config after service restart:
Has anyone had the same error in the past?
is there any workaround?
The pfSense GUI provides the "Local IPv4 Network/s" box for entering routes to be pushed to the server. You have to use CIDR notation for the subnets and separate them by commas.
You should rather use this box than entering all in the custom options.For stating custom options though, remember to separate them by semi-colons.
Thanks @viragomann that works perfect