One or more of the selected Data Encryption Algorithms is not valid
We had to stop our server and our pfsense due to a power outage.
When we restarted them, we could not login to OpenVPN anymore.In pfsense, I get an error message: "One or more of the selected Data Encryption Algorithms is not valid"
How is it possible to fix the problem? I have the 2.7.0 version of pfsense and the 2.6.10-I003 version of OpenVPN.
Thanks for your help -
The fastest way out :
Your using (dealing with) security sensitive stuff : OpenVPN.
Yet, you're way behind with your versions.
( you don't want to deal with an old version of the server and a recent openvpn client, or the other way around )Read this one first : [](link url) : the very first pinned post.
Step 1 : don't keep ancient OpenVPN stuff0. pfSense 2.7.0 isn't the latest version, get 2.7.2. This will contain a more recent version of pfSense.
Make your OpenVPN server settings look like this :
Also upgrade your OpenVPN client ( ! ).
Now, from pfSense, re export the OpenVPN client settings to your device.
Enjoy. -
Thanks for your answer.
The thing is that I don't have any option available in "Data Encrytption Algorithms" , "Fallback Data Encyption Algorithm" & "Auth digest algorithm". My 3 errors message certainly are for my 3 algorithms as in the picture below. Don't get why they are not valid anymore while it was ok before...
Was not showing the newer version
Just upgraded to v 2.7.2 via cmd: certctl rehashAnd it works!