how to change ring buffer to 4096
how can I change ring buffer rx / tx from eg. default 512 to 4096 in dataplane ?
From the control plane via ethtool I can have no access to this devices ( because of DPDK ).
@c_cloud this should make it
8200-test tnsr(config)# dataplane dpdk dev 0000:02:00.0 network num-rx-queues 4096 Changes to dataplane startup settings require a dataplane restart to take effect. 8200-test tnsr(config)# dataplane dpdk dev 0000:02:00.0 network num-tx-queues 4096 Changes to dataplane startup settings require a dataplane restart to take effect. 8200-test tnsr(config)# serv datapl rest 8200-test tnsr(config)# wr
documentation for details
may I know your use case? why do you need to adjust the default settings?
Hi, ring buffer are note queues - afaik.
With your settings, I would set 4096 queues ;-) won't work.
use case is: I'm getting rx miss count rising.
Settings ring buffer should be e.g. ( as I found out )
dataplane dpdk dev 0000:02:00.0 network num-tx-desc 4096
@c_cloud yep, I meant desc! I'm glad that worked for you.
@c_cloud 4096 is a big number though... I recommend submitting a TAC case so the support team can help you adjust your system.
wrote a ticket to TAC. Let's see what they bring up.
this was their answer:
"If you get 3 Full Views, please check this guide:"
well... yes thank you.