PfblockerNG blocking Speedtest tracker but which rule ?
I use Speedtest tracker on Docker but for some reason Pfblocker is stopping it.
I've looked at the reports in PfB and the firewall logs but I can't see what or where it's being blocked. I've tried different servers in STT with the same result, turn off Pfb and STT works ok.
I've also tried turning all the rules off in WAN and LAN and that made no difference.
@randombits I run Speedtest from a server in my network, and it's been failing since 11/21/24. Running pfB, too. Investigating.
@provels Snap, Did the STT update mess up the menus,only opening in a new window ?
@randombits I run command line, from a batch file.
I have made an observation with the speedtest android app, it looks like it does sneaky DoH queries to bypass your network's DNS, after I added a DoH blocklist, the app will report connectivity issues with the go button a red colour, however any tests still run fine, so it does fall back to system DNS.