LDAP Authentication Fail with OpenVPN
I am using this tutorial: https://helpdesk.sherweb.com/en/support/solutions/articles/67000734003-how-to-configure-a-pfsense-virtual-machine-with-openvpn-and-ldap-authentication
I have LDAP server setup correctly and can use it for pfSense GUI login and Authentication Diagnostics.
When I attempt to use LDAP user with OpenVPN connection, I receive Authentication Failed / User authentication failed.
My OpenVPN connection works perfectly with a regular pfSense local user.
I think that I may not understand which requirements are necessary to connect OpenVPN with the remote LDAP directory as an authentication source.
I configured the OpenVPN with OpenLdap. I had some issues regarding to setup but I found the solution:
- Start configuring A connection from scratch (SystemUser -> ManagerAuthentication -> Servers) - don't copy the connection!
QUERY: &(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=vpn)(member=*)
LDAP tree structure:
Please take a look at the screen. This is an example of configuration, but maybe it'll help you. Good luck!