Wireguard DNS Resolution Issue
After searching for solutions online and here, I need assistance.
Pretty new to Pf Sense.I used this guide to setup:
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/recipes/wireguard-ra.htmlI've setup a WG tunnel, can connect to LAN on the other side as a peer.
Needing to multiple peers to login (perhaps 2-3 at once) to server via RDP, (achieved) and resolve DNS on peer side, (not done).
The server handles DHCP, Pf Sense is a DHCP relay.Have tried no DNS as well as DNS=, and just in my WG peer config on the WG Windows app.
Here's the config:
PrivateKey = ***
ListenPort = 51820
Address =
PublicKey = ***
AllowedIPs =,
Endpoint = ..***:51820
PersistentKeepalive = 25Setup on other side is as follows.
- Netgate 1100 23.05.1 (arm64)
- On premises Windows server, dns is on on site.
- Server is on
- Router in on
- Have allowed ports 53 for DNS and RDP 3389 too.
- In peer config on router, have allows DNS server's IP.
It didn't include adding WG to Interface>Assignments as a 3rd party guide I read suggested.
Should Static DHCP be ticked (Register DHCP static mappings in the DNS Resolver) in DNS Resolver> General Settings?
Not familiar with windows server, ( can do the basics) was setup before my time).