Captive Portal without whole traffic thru pfSense
I'm new here but I'm working with similiar systems as the pfSense for about month.
Currently I've created this setup.
-pfSense Server connected via WAN interface & VLAN interface to single switch.
-that switch is connected to internet (we have only one public IP)
-access point connected via VLAN to that switchAP and pfSense are in the same VLAN interface (ofc different ports). Is there a way to connect to AP get authenticated by Captive Portal/ Radius installed on pfSense server and then pass all traffic directly only thru that switch
Purpose: we wan't to create AP in our friendly company but have AUTH/ Captive Portal setup at our location. Possible ways to connect are VLAN/VPN. Is there an option to not pass all that traffic after auth thru our pfSense server?
Purpose: we wan't to create AP in our friendly company but have AUTH/ Captive Portal setup at our location. Possible ways to connect are VLAN/VPN. Is there an option to not pass all that traffic after auth thru our pfSense server?
Captive portal authorized traffic has to go through pfSense (a firewall), that's how the captive portal works.
A switch, even one with VLAN capabilities, can't handle that (it isn't a firewall)