Limit on concurrent captive portal users
Hello All,
Does anyone know the limit on concurrent captive portal users?
I went through an old posting back to 2007 about this, it was saying there was a limit as 54 users, which means after 54 users were authenticated by captive portal successfully, the 55th users can not login via captive portal / or the firewall will block the 55th user.
I am using version 2.4.2 now, does anyone know this limit was lifted in the recent versions?
Your input is much appreciated!
I ran a CP node with thousands of simultaneous CP users. I don't think there is a limit other than RAM, subnet size, etc.
Thank you Derelict for your quick response!
Can I know how you set up your user database? There are multiple options here, user manager (which I do not think it is proper), FreeRadius3 integrated inside PFsense or an external Radius?
Didn't. It was a no-auth setup.
But I would probably use an OFF-FIREWALL RADIUS configuration backed by SQL or LDAP.
Really depends on how many users and how you're going to be managing them.
If it is more than a few, just pretend the local user database doesn't exist. It will probably not scale.
Not thousands, just 30 - 50 users. Local user database.
Soft time out 1 hour - hard time out 6 hours.
3 AP"s
pfSense running on an old Dell Dimension 5150.
No fanny setup - no 'big' packages.Never saw more then 5 % processor load - basically, it's doing nothing except when I'm playing with the GUI ;)