VMWare 5.5 on Windows - Bridge to WLAN
Ok here's my Problem.
I'm running VMWare 5.5 on Windows XP.
I've bridged my WLAN-card and my Ethernet-NIC to a virtual PfSense (1.0 release).physical virtual
cable –> WAN
WLAN --> LANOn the WAN side i recieve a dynamic IP.
In Windows i create an ad-hoc network on WLAN.Now whenever a client connects to this WLAN he recieves a IP from the pfSense-DHCP and can connect to the pfSense (Webinterface) but he doesn't get routed to the internet.
could anyone give me a tipp why not?
Thanks in advance. -
Did you create rules at the bridged interfaces that allows traffic?
I dont bridge in PfSense. I want to use it as a NAT-Router.
I mean I've bridged (with VmWare) the Physical Interfaces (LAN / WLAN) to the Virtual PfSense.It looks to me as if PfSense does not route at all since i cann access it and the virtual Pf has access to internet.
bridge the real wan port with vmware to the pfsense wan port
you mean like this?
that's how it currently is:WLAN (physical) –----vmwarebridge----- ---WAN (virtual pf)
LAN (physical----------vmwarebridge--------LAN (virtual pf) -
i did some more testing and somehow i believe that VmWare Bridging and WLAN dont go well together ^^"
when i'm at home in and bridge the virtual pfsense WAN to hostmachine WLAN the pfsense recieve an IP from my wlan but cant communicate with anything on WAN. i cant even ping the hostmachine.
i searched some forums and read some threads that VmWare Bridging is newly working on linux but i didnt find any information about windows so i assumed it is working, but apparently it is not :D