How restart OpenVPN server
Thanks for the information Scott!
I did some more testing and I saw the same problem now with the OpenVPN server in TCP mode. Hence I think it doesn't matter if the connection is through TCP or UDP, the same problem shows up. Rebooting solves the problem. The problem also seems to happen at random.
If there is anything I can do to help you finding the problem (socket descriptors being reused?), I'll be happy to do more testing!
Hi Scott,
I noticed your Check-In 16202 on the CVS trac and I modified my /etc/inc/ as shown. Now in my case, OpenVPN is again (re)starting normally without the socket descriptors being reused by other processes! It works in both TCP and UDP server mode now (I use TCP for roadwarriors and UDP for site to site).
I will do some more extensive testing one of these days.
Thanks for the nice solution! :)
Great! Glad to hear that it has solved the issues.
I'm testing the updated file as well. I'll let you know in 24h if the OpenVPN tunnel is still up. It usually dies after a couple hours for me.
I tried last snapshot from 22.01.07 and openVPN work great !
Thanks for this fix !
it´s working for me aswell !!! :D
Scott you rule !
Happy to see this bug to be gone ;D
Yep, everything is A-OK for me too. The tunnel didn't go down once. I guess I'll just install the 1-22-07 snapshot now.
I need to implement this solution for a couple of temporary sites I am setting up for a weeks time :(.
I need to run them from a LiveCD.
How can I create a LiveCD with this fix in.
Please note that I am predominately a windows man, don't have much BSD/Linux experience and no machines other than a production firewall running pfSense :).
Just fetch a new livecd from the snapshotserver instead a 1.0.1 release from the mirrors that has this bug fixed:
Thanks - I'll see how I get on with that.