Resetting states
Is there any command (at the SSH shell) to reset the states for a specified IP ?
Thanks in advance,
Josep Pujadas
Ok, I think I found my answer. At man pfctl:
-k host
Kill all of the state entries originating from the specified
host. A second -k host option may be specified, which will kill
all the state entries from the first host to the second host.
For example, to kill all of the state entries originating from
host:# pfctl -k host
To kill all of the state entries from host1 to host2:
# pfctl -k host1 -k host2
Josep Pujadas
Upgrade to 1.2-BETA-1. There is X next to each state in the Diagnostic -> states screen.
Simply click the state you want to kill and it will do pfctl -k behind the scenes.
Josep Pujadas