Where can i find the MTU size?
i must change the MTU size where can i find it?
thanks for help :)
On the WAN interface it is in Interfaces->WAN
I don't think you can for the other interfaces
thanks morbus, that was what i'm search!! :)
Of course it's possible to change other interfaces MTU by commands. For example execute command ifconfig sk0(your interface name) mtu 4088.
Of course it's possible to change other interfaces MTU by commands. Execute command ifconfig sk0(your interface name) mtu 4088.
Using jumbo frames?
Of course it's possible to change other interfaces MTU by commands. For example execute command ifconfig sk0(your interface name) mtu 4088.
Using jumbo frames?
Yes, if the driver / card supports it and that way you can get your whole LAN-side jumbo enabled. Yukon (sk0) has limit of 9000. Would be nice option in GUI / settings and easier to change it also.
Did not really change anything for my small test setup. Got the idea from this pdf.
http://www.wormulon.net/files/pub/FreeBSD_Network_Tuning_-_slides.pdfother pdf to read
http://www.wormulon.net/files/pub/FreeBSD_Bottleneck_Detection.pdf -
If you want to avoid error from LAN, which is jumbo enabled, it's good make compatible too. And maybe bigger loads it helps to bring down cpu stress.. haven't tested though.
To enable a larger LAN MTU (jumbo Frames) in the absence of a menu option can I just add the following to the interface section of the config file? (driver permitting)