Remote SNMP Howto?
I have a pfsense installation that I would like to monitor via SNMP. How do I set it up so that the snmp agent is exposed on the wan interface? I'd like to protect it with a rule that restricts the traffic based on source.
Adding a rule that allows UDP/161 inbound (with restrictions based on source) should be sufficient.
Naturally, you have to enable snmp too…
hmmm. i tried that with no luck. snmp service enabled on pfsense. rule passing snmp traffic. attempting to poll the external wan IP address. I get no snmp response. internally on the trusted interface it responds fine. This however doesnt help me much as I need to monitor it from a remote site.
I'll keep messing with it.
Where did you create the rule?
Is the order of the rules so that your "allow SNMP rule" is at the top (an has an effect)? -
IIRC, there's something in the docs about this. I think you have to create a static route. Check the docs.
I think you mean this:
I thought that was only with an IPSec tunnel, but it's worth a shot… -
I perform this all the time. I just create a rule on the WAN interface allowing access to the WAN ip via the UDP protocol on port 161.
Now, getting this to work on a 2nd or 3rd WAN interface, I have NEVER been able to get it to work, however :( .
I also am trying to monitor via SNMP remotely from the wan side however this particular box has the lan bridged to the wan to pass through a .248 live subnet. I keep getting msgs that the pfsense box is not responding to the requests. I have confirmed that SNMP is active.
I should add that "enable filtering bridge" is currently disabled.
Anyone know what a rule should look like here?