Invisible Preview (font colour is white)
Nice Forum, here. :)
I discovered one issue - when using Preview for a post, the font colour is white on a white background, i.e. invisible. When posted, the font colour is black, so it's just the Preview that has issues.
I'm using Firefox 3.0.x on a Linux client - I haven't tried it from another client yet.
I've noticed that, and tried to fix it a time or two when I had a minute, but I haven't had much luck. There are one or two other areas where this happens as well, not just preview.
The issue is in Themes/slickprographite/style.css. There are two { braces on the preview_body style.
#preview_body { { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; }
That seems to have done the trick. Though you'll probably have to clear your cache (or shift+reload) before it shows up.
It works for me now.
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