Block access to one server and port from "Site A" to "Site B"
I have a site to site VPN working very fine. I would like to block access to a server on "Site B" to all users on "Site A" on port 8080. What rule should I add?
I have LAN/WAN/WAN2 (multi WAN) setup with VPN on WAN.
DK -
You cannot firewall the OpenVPN interface.
But if you're using pfSense on both sides of the VPN tunnel you can define on the client side firewall-rules to disallow traffic with a destionation of the other side of the tunnel.
Thanks for the reply. But, the other site does not use PFSense yet and even then I will not be able to block ports on one particular server I guess, it has to be to the entire network.
Thanks again,
DK. -
How would you connect to the pfSense?
Does each client install OpenVPN or do you have another firewall solution?