Help get my Captive Portal working. on 1.2.3 RC3 NANBSD $50
I need help getting this working. CaptivePortal will not redirect at all. and now I am under the gun to get it done by next friday.
Will pay $50 to someone with experience that can get the Captive Portal working. I can give access via TeamViewer, ShowMyPC or other remote screen access.
I just imaged a CF with the most current 1.2.3-RC3 nanobsd snapshot and setup captive portal with redirect and had no problems on my ALIX.
Here are the settings I used, with my IP addresses as an example:
OPT1 enabled, IP
DHCP Server on OPT1 enabled, range
OPT1 Firewall rules: Allow all protocols from OPT1 subnet to *
CP Enabled on OPT1, redirection URL is my personal domain
Authentication is local user database.
I added a user for myself, and then hooked into that subnet with my netbook.When I try to go to (for example), and I get the login page. I login, then I am redirected to my personal domain.