Captive Portal Logout popup don't work correctly ???
Hi guys !!!
I use Pfsense in Captive Portal since a week and i find the action of da logoff button is really strange. When I try to logout before the hard timeout or the idle timeout, so I click on the logout button the window stay frozen so I can't see da next page with 'You are disconnected'.
all ideas are welcome …
Thanks by advance
Confirmed, the user does get disconnected but the pop up window stalls.
EDIT: on IE7 clicking on the logout button appears to do nothing but infact it does log you out, clicking it a 2nd time will give you "you have been disconnected" message, on Firefox 2, again clicking will log you out but the pop up window hangs waiting for a respone from the pfs box, I have not tested Opera or any other browsers apart from the 2 listed.
Do you know if Pfsense gonna do someting for this problem cause we are blocked !!!! We are in a Campus and we must have a logout popup windows which work fine.
We saw with a Wireshark during the moment I click on the button logout I loose Packet and the communication stop .
All Ideas are welcome
Could you say me if Pfsense team gonna do someting for that cause we want to fix this problem before the production.
Has any progress been made on this subject? I'm having the same or similar issue, you click on the logout button on the logout popup, and it just sits there "waiting for" (our PFsense box) it will sit there for a good 5 minutes before doing anything, if i watch on the radius box the logout happens immediately, so i'm not sure what is being waited for. my current solution was to add text to the logout popup sayying "click logout and you are done, you do not need to wait, you can go now" but as you can imagine, that's only a short-term solution.
Should be fixed in latest snapshots.
still same …
logout button of CP still hang up there ... ifen that the connection have disconnected
just hang up there logout button
i use with latest firefox and pfsense 2.0 alpha base 7.2