OpenVPN Client can not Access LAN!
Dear All,
I had successfully set up the latest version 1.2.1 pfsense. Services are configured successfully included dyndns/DHCP/OpenVPN.
I am facing the following problems after connected to the pfsense server from remote network:
1. OpenVPN Client connected successfully and getting IP from 192.168.200.x/24 mask and able to access to the pfSense server but can't access the LAN which has an IP mask
More problems arises, I am not able to ping internal networks and access it.
I had check the routing table and make sure necessary things are done in order to access the internal LAN also the firewall rules. Anyone encountered this issue please assist me to resolve the issue. I also notice the firewall rules actually denied the packet send from the network while it try to access to LAN. (It doesn't make sense as there are no rules set to filter in the firewall rules!)2. I also setup Access SSH (allow) in Firewall rules for testing purposes, it work flawlessly. i.e I can ping the internal LAN servers and access them through SSH protocol.
3. I had another identical setup for another office and it works flawlessly which make me clueless to troubleshoot this issue.
Is anyone faced the above issues or I might miss out some config changes in the latest 1.2.1 pfsense? ;D
Can you post your config?
Below is my openvpn config
openvpn (Server)
Protocol : TCP
Port: 1194
Dynamic IP checked
Address Pool
Local network (Client)
dev tun
proto tcp
remote 1194
persist-keyca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
nscert-type server
verb 3
route the firewall rules,
LAN tab,default LAN–> any allow source any --> destination -any
WAN tab,
allow vpn --> tcp allow source any --> destination - openvpn (port range 1194)Cheers,
Thanks ! I had solved the problem myself.