Adding interface causes a crash
I'm running pfsense on a wrap board.
I'm using 1.0-SNAPSHOT09-06-06I have LAN, WAN, and OPT1 interfaces.
I found what I'm sure is a bug. If I go to interfaces_assign in the
webconfigurator and try to add a new interface, pfsense will lock up
and the OPT1 interface will lose its configuration information.I don't have a fourth interface. I decided to try adding another
interface in the configurator just to see what would happen, and it was
pretty nasty! -
I cannot reproduce this problem on a WRAP with the latest snapshot.
Can't reproduce it here either with any of my wraps. Maybe your cf-media is broken? Try with a different media.
Also make sure your WRAP bios is up to date.
And your PSU doesn't suck ;)
Good point. Adding another interface and powering it up would put additional load on the PSU.
Two Wraps, redbox and blackbox, both with snapshots (06-09 and 09-09) - no problem adding interfaces, be they normal sis ones or tun/tap devices.
Maybe I wasn't clear…
Add ALL your interfaces, and then try to add another.
In other words, try to add an interface when there aren't any more to add.
It doesn't let me do such things - there simply is no "add" button ;)
Son of a…
You're right. What I thought was the add button is the delete button :-[
Should there be a confirmation on deleting interfaces?