Firewall blocking tcp80 by default blocking rule on LAN interface
Strangely the firewall default blocking rule seems to block some http frames :
is it normal ?
Apr 7 23:30:17 LAN TCP:FP
This could explain the heavy slow down i can see on some GUI pages like the general setup
I have seen as well OpenVPN frames blocked (by the default WAN blocking rules). It is strange as it seems that we do not need a rule for the internal OpenVPn service.
Strangely the firewall default blocking rule seems to block some http frames :
is it normal ?
Apr 7 23:30:17 LAN TCP:FP
It looks that someone from IP originating port 80 is trying to connect to your IP port 4870.
This is highly strange because originating port shouldn't be port 80. Another point, you use same private range on both
incoming and outgoing interface ??? Did you mask original addresses not to show real ones or … ?Sasa
Yes i do not use the same address subnet on the LAN. I've changed the adresses here for safety. is the PFsense BOX LAN interface. This is strange isn't it ? There is no port forwarding of this port on my box.
I suspect that something is going wrong somewhere. Perhaps inside the filter himself.
The GUI slow downs on some pages like general setup (when changing a DNS address for example) or firmmware update are strange as well. No error messages.
When the GUI is slow, there is no system slow down.