Howto boot a 1.2.3 nano image on embedded ??
It's possible. WARp is not ALIX, but it was worth a try :-)
It's possible. WARp is not ALIX, but it was worth a try :-)
Yeah, it was worth a try, which is why I'd already tried it :-)
With the nopacket changes in, I wonder if an ALIX with an older BIOS will boot it now as well.
I got the hint with to upgrade the BIOS from Stoffel (thanks again!!) and I'm glad that it works so fine now.
I see in another thread that packages can't be installed on the nanobsd image. This seems to be because of the read only filesystems, I think for protecting the CF from intensive writing. I tried some things to mount the filesystems rw, but had no chance, because I have less experience with freebsd. I tried it also with a live system, could access the image but I had to less rights to do that …:-)
So a good Idea will be to set the needed filesystems to rw, install some packages and after a boot it was back ro again. So I think the CF is safe enough. Some uses microdrives or small harddisk, and in this case it will be an option, that the filesystems can be set to rw.
I don't know where to write this idea (and I'm also sure that I'm not the first with this) but I would haf fun if this could be realized.Sigma
Packages on nano will definitely need some fine tuning. The ability to install them is a very, very new feature so some things are bound to take time to settle.
iirc, there will need to be some updates to some packages so that they can do what they need, and it may end up that not every package will be nano-friendly.
Time will tell, and you'll have to contact each package maintainer about issues.
jimp, thanks for this information. I have a look to the forum and new upgrades :-)
boot problem:
I tried the actual 4g snapshot. I have the same effect as I had with versions before. No problem on "normal" CF cards, but php errors at boot with the SLC CF version. It's not important for me, but if someone has the same effect take non SLC cards so it works (but only with BIOS 0.99h on ALIX boards).Sigma
I tried the and go the same hash mark stuff on my WRAP. I'm currently downloading to give that a shot and see if it's fixed in that build.
edit: Updated my WRAP to v1.11, still got #### from that newer snapshot.
edit2: As of the snapshot, I now have a working nanobsd on my WRAP.
i have a alix with 0.99 bios and all nanobsd images after 11th july boot up just fine
anyone got a solution how to boot from wrap ? i can´t get it to work
I am having the same issues with pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090820-1453-nanobsd.img.gz (latest 2GB image as of today).
Brand new Alix board to replace my WRAP. My old WRAP image on a 256MB card works fine. The ALIX came with BIOS 0.99. First try with the above image ends up showing #### on keystrokes. I tried upgrading the BIOS to 0.99h, and it seemed to go fine, but it still shows 0.99 when I boot. And it still fails to boot the pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090820-1453-nanobsd.img.gz image.
I will go back and try an older image, but I don't want to play CF-imaging-dude all night.
Any ideas?
I am having the same issues with pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090820-1453-nanobsd.img.gz (latest 2GB image as of today).
Brand new Alix board to replace my WRAP. My old WRAP image on a 256MB card works fine. The ALIX came with BIOS 0.99. First try with the above image ends up showing #### on keystrokes. I tried upgrading the BIOS to 0.99h, and it seemed to go fine, but it still shows 0.99 when I boot. And it still fails to boot the pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090820-1453-nanobsd.img.gz image.
I will go back and try an older image, but I don't want to play CF-imaging-dude all night.
Any ideas?
Based on your description, it would seem your BIOS update failed. Mine clearly shows v0.99h:
PC Engines ALIX.2 v0.99h 640 KB Base Memory 261120 KB Extended Memory 01F0 Master 848A SanDisk SDCFH2-002G Phys C/H/S 3970/16/63 Log C/H/S 992/64/63 1 FreeBSD 2 FreeBSD Boot: 2 //bboooott..ccoonnffiigg:: --DD
You are right!
I didn't follow all of the BIOS upgrade instructions. I uploaded the 512K .img file, you are supposed to upload the smaller .upd file.
It now works.
I have the same issue on the WRAP. Latest bios 1.11 all I get are hash marks after the boot prompt :(
I tried the pfSense-1.2.3-2g-20090820-1453-nanobsd.img.gz as well as the latest 2.0-alpha-alpha and both of them do the same thing.PC Engines WRAP.2B/2C v1.11
640 KB Base Memory
130048 KB Extended Memory01F0 Master 044A CF2GHS
Phys C/H/S 3949/16/63 Log C/H/S 987/64/631 FreeBSD
2 FreeBSDBoot: 1 ####################################################
I have the same issue on the WRAP.
See the post above yours.
anyone got a solution how to boot from wrap ?
It doesn't work on WRAP right now.
I'm having the same problem - for a bit more info, see this thread:
specifically reply number 4. I'm going to give disabling packet mode a try as suggested above.
Edit - which worked beautifully. Thanks jimp.
Durrrr… there is a page 2. Sorry. I read somewhere the nopacket thing was put into future images, is that not the case? With the nopacket change will it work on WRAP or still no?
I have the same issue on the WRAP.
See the post above yours.
anyone got a solution how to boot from wrap ?
It doesn't work on WRAP right now.
Durrrr… there is a page 2. Sorry. I read somewhere the nopacket thing was put into future images, is that not the case? With the nopacket change will it work on WRAP or still no?
Read the rest of my post here:,18302.msg94911.html#msg94911
The gist of it is:
ALIX needs packet mode to work on slice #1 and slice #2.
WRAP needs nopacket, and even then only works on slice #1.So the images can't be set to nopacket, or it breaks updates on ALIX, and it can't be set to packet and work on WRAP.
cmb/sullrich are working with PC engines to see if a BIOS update can be made for the WRAP which will resolve this, otherwise I'm not sure what will happen.