Broken Traffic shaper
Attach your /tmp/rules.debug or email it to me (cmb at pfsense dot org).
Some characters got stripped out of that ruleset, not sure how you got it but after I added in the removed quotes and slashes it loads fine.
The shaper isn't going to work effectively for you with 5 interfaces, in 1.2.x it's only designed for two interfaces. So you probably aren't going to want to use it like that regardless, but it won't cause filter loading issues, it just won't work effectively. Line 32 is a blank line, at least in the ruleset you attached, which will never cause an error, so don't know what you're seeing.
I have about 5 Pfsense box and most only have two interfaces and I get this problem on everyone when I use the wizard. Is there anything that can be done to get this working.
As it is the wizard that is generating these errors I presume it is an issue with how the wizard is writing the script.
Attach a complete backup of your configuration or email it to me. I'm not aware of any possible way to get an invalid ruleset using the wizard, nobody has reported such an issue with the shaper as it is now and it's been the same for years. If you manually edit the results of the wizard there are possibilities there for breaking things if it's done wrong, but the wizard itself won't.
I have sent it to you in an e-mail thanks.
Attach a complete backup of your configuration or email it to me. I'm not aware of any possible way to get an invalid ruleset using the wizard, nobody has reported such an issue with the shaper as it is now and it's been the same for years. If you manually edit the results of the wizard there are possibilities there for breaking things if it's done wrong, but the wizard itself won't.
Just as a side note this did used to work for me upto about 1.1 if I remember right and I haven't always had this as an issue. I did have other post but they were never look at untill now.
One of the many packages you have installed must be causing the problem, or maybe a combination of some of them. Ruleset loads fine for me using your restored config, but on a system that has no packages installed (it can't reinstall them because it isn't on the Internet, I never restore someone else's config online to avoid problems like taking over dyndns registrations, etc.).
Hmmm that is interesting. Only conmen thing is IM inspector and the dashboard.
I uninstalled IMinspector then ran the wizard and the traffic shaper worked fine. On re running it though it came up with an error again.
CMB thank you for your help and I do understand how complex fixing these problems are but were do I go from here in terms of finding the fault with the traffic shaper wizard. Apart from a full reinstall and then adding each package at a time I am at a loss.
I have sent you a simpler config that gives the same problem to see if you can find any simularites that is causing this.
If I have exorsted you time I thank you for the input you have give and I will have to wait for the shaper on 2.0.