LAN NIC error since upgrade 1.2.3 RC1 to 1.2.3-RC3
Hello my LAN NIC stopped working since I upgraded to 1.2.3-RC3 built on Mon Nov 23
On 1.2.3-RC1 built on Wed Apr 22 the same NIC working nic is:
bge0: <broadcom netxtreme="" gigabit="" ethernet="" controller,="" asic="" rev.="" 0xb002="">Thank you</broadcom>
A more precise explanation than "stopped working" might persuade a response.
Hmmm, odd. I wonder if there was a driver change that caused this? What is it plugged into?
yes I think the driver change.
a switch but i've tried with my laptop directly and samething so it's not the switch -
it's possible to came back to the RC1 driver ?
thank you
depends on how cli experienced you are. you could try this: get an ISO for RC1, mount it and copy /boot/kernel/kernel.gz from the ISO to /boot/kernel/kernel.gz on your pfsense box. I believe the drivers are all built into the kernel. The bad thing about this is that it gives you an older kernel, so there may be bugfixes you are not getting, but that is better than being off the air..
ok Im trying this right now
hmm working well =)
Thanks my friend.if someone can check for this for future kernel update
Please go to and open a ticket against this. Make sure you state clearly the date of the working and broken snapshots.
We don't have anything to do with drivers, please don't open tickets on hardware-specific problems, as we can't do anything about those. see also:
It does sound like a regression from FreeBSD 7.1 to 7.2, but I know for a fact that many bge cards are working just fine with 7.2. I don't have any suggestions, short of reporting it on a FreeBSD list (freebsd-net probably best).
Ah, okay. Didn't know if you wanted to be able to track issues (like the atheros 7.1/7.2 one).
ok I will change my nic but i'ts to hard when no road come here, I have to go in montreal in plane next wednesday
hmm https dont wanna work with RC1 kernel.gz =(