WebGUI showing incorrect SWAP usage graphic
This is probably known but anyway: the SWAP usage indication on dashboard page is not showing correct representation, see pic and compare number to lenght of slider. All others seem to work.
1.2.3-RELEASE with dashboard 0.8.7
Think it was this way before install of dashboard though.

That does look off. There was someone working on an update to the system info widget, but I don't think I had any of that code in the current dashboard. Not sure if it's fixed in that one or not.
I haven't ever seen the issue because none of my pfSense boxes use much of any swap so I never paid attention. They all sit at 0% on that bar 8)
That does look off. There was someone working on an update to the system info widget, but I don't think I had any of that code in the current dashboard. Not sure if it's fixed in that one or not.
I haven't ever seen the issue because none of my pfSense boxes use much of any swap so I never paid attention. They all sit at 0% on that bar 8)
I understand, it's cause I have enabled all those extra ntop stuff etc.. (Additional RAM requirements when using ntop is also clearly stated on pfS www so it's no surprise).
I don't understand why it sits with that much swap and only uses some 60% current, but I guess it's some peak value that push it up and then it keeps it there(?). When I get around to it I will try to find some additional RAM (or perhaps a new box). :)
I know this is old but I thought it had been fixed, and it still isn't. So I opened a ticket for it: